Pisces is
symbolized by a pair of fishes and fishes live in water, which has changing
quality and can convert itself from liquid to solid to vapour and back. The
sign is ruled by Jupiter which is a generous, brilliant and benevolent planet.
Pisceans are
sensitive, soft hearted, imaginative, liberal and friendly. They trust every
one easily and care for them without any self interest. They are good social
workers as they always think about the benefits of others. These traits make
them famous but also in the eye of the storm. Pisceans love to stay in water.
Their views change frequently, so they need time to take decision and sometimes
become indecisive.
North for peace, harmony and success. Entrance of your house is the first step
to open the door of success. Place a plant on the outer side of the entrance.
Basil, Jade or Orange plant is good here. Tie an 8 coin band on the inner side
of door. Use earthly color carpet in the lobby.
East is the
direction of your enormous finance. Keep a crystal Sri yantra and a pair of
fishes on your working table. Hang a rising Sun picture on East wall.
North West
is the best direction for your bed room. Keep your head board in the East or
south direction.