Thursday, March 30, 2017

Planetary Yogas for successful lawyer

Saturn is a judge in planetary kingdom so Saturn is essential planet for lawyers. Court is 
place where disputes are settled and judgement is given. In Vedic astrology Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu creates disputes. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn when in strength in birth chart makes a person successful lawyer. We also need to check 2nd house of speech, 6th house of dispute, 8th house of litigation and 9th house of judgement. When Sun and Mercury placed in 2nd house “BudhAditya” yoga is formed which helps lawyer to give good arguments. Jupiter is knowledge and also significator of nayay (judgement). It blesses with retention of memory and helps putting all points all together. Saturn gives patience to work long hours and hear everything and give judgement with detachment.   

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Happy Women's Day

The Seven Chakras of The Human Body and Their Cosmic Connection

Vedic Astrology is based upon the twelve houses and nine planets, which comprises of the seven main planets and two shadowy planets- Rahu and Ketu. ‘Seven chakras’ of the human body mentioned in ancient scriptures of Ayurveda and Yoga pertains to these seven planets. Microcosm and the macrocosm are part of the same divine plan. Just as the individual soul is encased in the living body, so is the universal Soul in the Living nature — the objective universe. Our body and emotions are controlled by the seven chakras. These chakras are influenced by planets they pertain to and while analyzing horoscope expert astrologers know which planet energy is in deficient and what is causing the imbalance. All chakras are connected to each other like if any aspect of life is disturbed it affects all other parts too: - See more at: